Belchertown Parks and Recreation Registration and Program Policies
All participants registering for a program requires an on-line account to be created. After an account is created, the end process for registering for a program allows you the option of printing your registration for and paying by cash or check at the Recreation Office or registering through the online payment system. (*Convenience Fees Apply*). Registrations will be taken on a first come first serve paid basis.
- In-office registrations and payment are accepted during our normal business hours of Monday - Thursday from 8:30am to 4:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 12:00pm and Saturday from 8:30am to 12:00pm. Registration by mail will be accepted with proper registration forms and payment. Please DO NOT mail a check without a registration form.
- Non-resident registrations are welcome for indicated programs with an additional $10.00 charge.
- All programs are offered on a first-come, first-serve paid basis with registrations being complete when payment is received. Late registrations will be accepted based on availability and if the minimum number of participants are met. Late fees apply.
- Any check returned for insufficient funds is subject to a $20.00 charge.
- All dates, times, and prices are subject to change at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Director.
- Deadlines are used to determine whether there is enough interest in a program to run it. Please register during the designated registration period as each program requires a minimum number of participants to run. Programs may have a maximum capacity, therefore space may be limited. Late registrations will be accepted based on an availability basis and if the program has met its minimum to run. Signing up late will not resurrect the program.
- Late fees for all activities will be added the day after the registration deadline in the amount of $10.00. Late fees are not used to penalize, but to encourage individuals to register on time so the staff has sufficient time to plan programs, order enough program supplies, make sure there is enough participants to run the program and meet various league requirements. Late fees are NOT refundable.
- The Belchertown Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine classes, adjust costs and change coaches, location or instructors or refund policies. In the event a program is cancelled by the Recreation Department, you will receive a full refund of the cost of the program. Unfortunately convenience fees charged by the processor for online payment are NOT eligible for a refund.
- For all programs, if you notify the Belchertown Recreation Department prior to the registration deadline, you will receive a refund minus a $10.00 administration fee. Refunds are issued by the Town in the form of a check regardless of original payment method and may take 4-6 weeks to process.
- All refund requests after the deadline date will ONLY be processed if we are able to fill the spot for that program.
- Anyone looking to transfer into another program is allowed to request the transfer as long as it is before the deadline date. All transfers will be considered with the approval of the recreation director.
- All registrations are accepted on a first come-first serve basis. If your desired program is filled, you will be notified and placed on a waiting list. When and if an opening becomes available, we will go off the waiting list in order of sign-ups to fill the spot.
- For promotional purposes, photographs/videos may be taken of participants and posted in printed material, posted on a website, social media or other promotional material. If you do not wish to have your child’s photo taken, please notify the Belchertown Recreation Department in writing prior to the program start as well as notifying the photographer and/or class instructor or coach.
Please register during the designated registration period as each program requires a minimum number of participants to run. Signing up late will NOT resurrect the program.