Belchertown Recreation Department
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Belchertown Lacrosse Register View Cart

Lacrosse is the oldest organized sport in North America.
This Lacrosse program is open to boys and girls, 3rd to 8th grade residents and non-residents.  Beginner to experienced players are welcome.
Practices will start in early April depending on the weather and field conditions.  Practices will be held on the State School fields. Games will start late April and will run through mid-June. 

Teams will be entered in the Connecticut Valley Youth Lacrosse League. Connecticut Valley Youth Lacrosse is dedicated to fostering the growth, skill, development and love for the game among our young athletes.  League Website:

The boy’s games are contact sports and all players wear protective gear: helmetgloves, shoulder pads, and elbow pads. Players are responsible for providing their own gear. 
The girl's game does not allow body contact but does allow stick to stick contact. The only protective gear required for women players is eye gear. Players are responsible for providing their own gear. 
Equipment information may be found here:

Players must register with USA Lacrosse to be provided with league insurance. The cost is $35.00

Players must also register on this site with the Belchertown Recreation Dept. to be placed on a team.  $100.00 resid/$110.00 non-resid

Volunteer coaches are needed to run this program.  Please volunteer through the registration process.

Everyone who is registered by the deadline date will be placed on a team. 
If there is not enough participation in a specific division to create a team and join the league, skills and drills practices will be held.

Registration will open Sat. Jan. 25

Bantam - U10,   DOB  9/1/14 - 8/31/16
Junior -    U12,   DOB  9/1/12 - 8/31/14
Senior -    U14    DOB  9/1/10 - 8/31/12

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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U10 Boys 
8y 7m - 10y 6m N/A   04/01/2025 - 06/15/2025

$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
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U12 Boys 
10y 7m - 12y 6m N/A   04/01/2025 - 06/15/2025

$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
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U12 Girls 
10y 7m - 12y 6m N/A   04/01/2025 - 06/15/2025

$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
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U14 Boys 
12y 7m - 14y 6m N/A   04/01/2025 - 06/15/2025

$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
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U14 Girls 
12y 7m - 14y 6m N/A   04/01/2025 - 06/15/2025

$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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