Belchertown Recreation Department
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Readers Theater

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Reader's Theater program develops reading fluency, comprehension, writing skills, confidence in speaking, and excitement for reading.
We will read and act out grade-level appropriate scripts designed for this style of theater. Children will also have the opportunity to work together to write their own short script.
Please bring an after school snack/water.

A performance will be held for families on December 20, from 5:00-6:00 at the CHCS auditorium.

*The school will dismiss participants and allow them to go to the Cafeteria to wait for class to begin.
*If Swift River School has early dismissal due to inclement weather, class will be canceled for that evening and the instructor will reschedule.
*School nurse/school staff are not present for this after school program. 

Deadline Date
  • Deadline date is 10 days prior to the start of the program.
  • A $10.00 late fee applies to all registrations after the deadline
  • The instructor will be in contact if a make-up date is necessary

  • Laura has a Bachelor's in English Communications concentrating in Broadcast Media. She took scriptwriting in college, interned and later freelanced at WGBY. She was employed for the Springfield news stations: WWLP and WGGB. Laura is a substitute teacher, a Girl Scout Leader, and working toward her teaching license.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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