Belchertown Recreation Department
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Youth Wrestling Register View Cart

Boys grappling on wrestling mat
This program offers youth athletes the opportunity to experience the sport of wrestling. Practices will focus on skill development, strength and conditioning and live competition.  NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.  Discipline, accountability and hard work are just some of the life lessons the sport of wrestling in stills in its participants.

Practices are tentatively scheduled and based on enrollment, days and times may be adjusted to separate age groups. 
Practices are held at Swift River Elementary A-side common

Wrestling shoes are strongly recommended.
Headgear is optional.
Each participant will receive a t-shirt. 

Weekend tournaments are optional and registration fees are an additional cost.  Opportunities for tournaments will be shared throughout the season.

Belchertown Wrestling Booster Club <>

Registration Deadline
  • 10 days prior to the start of the program
  • A $10.00 late fee applies to all registrations after the deadline

  • Coach Nick Raimer - A graduate of Minnechaug Regional High School, Coach Nick competed in the sport of wrestling through high school. Coach Nick has been a volunteer coach in various local youth programs.
  • Coach Kevin McNeill- Over 14 years of experience coaching wrestling at the high school level, as well as 19 years competing as a wrestler. Coach Kevin is the Athletic Director at Belchertown High School.
  • Coach Mike Bishop- A graduate of Belchertown High School, Coach Mike was a standout wrestler for the Orioles while in high school. Coach Mike also has collegiate wrestling experience and has volunteered for various youth programs.
  • Coach Bill Verrochi - A graduate of Walpole High School, Coach Bill wrestled successfully throughout high school. Coach Bill was also an assistant coach for 4 years with the Walpole High School team and has been a volunteer coach in various local youth sports programs. He is a Kindergarten paraprofessional by day.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Youth Wretling Grades 3-8 
N/A 3 - 8 TuTh  12/03/2024 - 02/13/2025
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Swift River School
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
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Youth Wrestling K-2 
N/A K - 2 12/04/2024 - 02/12/2025
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Swift River School
$55.00 Res, $65.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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